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Garbage bag

Technical Specifications:

Property Test Method Value
Colour Visual Off White
Specific Gravity of Granules g/cc 1.2-1.3
Bulk Density g/cc 0.60-0.70
Physical Form Pellets
Melt Flow Index (190°C, 2.16 kg) g/10 minutes ISO 1133 5-7
Melting Point °C DSC 125-145
Processing Temperatures oC Max 140 oC
Tensile Strength MD /CD 50 microns MPA ISO 527 36-43
Elongation at break MD/CD % 250-320
Tensile Modulus MPa ISO 527 840-860
Dart Drop Test g ISO 7765 290
Tear Strength mN ISO 6383-1 190-240


Product Description

The new eco-friendly resins that are made up of Compostable polymers & starch blends. The BIO Compostable Polymer is a film grade resin and can be processed on standard blown film lines or blow moulding lines. The manufactured products using this resin are degradable in normal land fill environment and get get disintegrated and decomposed within 4.5 – 6 months as tested by ISO 17088 The polymer resin can be converted to shopping bags, bin liners, mailer envelopes, agricultural films, sheets, blow moulded bottles etc. With a vision to improve the sustainability and anticipating market trends and future environmental regulations, Our bio polymers are produced from Corn Starch in the agriculture rich available in 45 countries globally oriented to reduce the greenhouse gasses impact, minimize the dependence on fossil oil derivatives, promote the use of renewable energies and to reduce the plastic waste in the

Problems associated with general polymers:

  • Remains in the environment for up to 1000 years
  • Bio-based, non-biodegradable plastics altogether, including also the drop-in solutions bio-based PE (polyethylene) and bio-based PET (polyethylene terephthalate), as well as bio-based PA (polyamides), currently make up for over 44 percent (almost 1 million tonnen] of the global bioplastics production capacities.


  • Ready to use polymer for
  • Can be processed in all general extruders; monolayer or multilayer
  • No special extrusion changes are required in process or equipment except temperature
  • Fully biodegradable & compostable as per ISO 17088, DIN EN 13432, ASTM D 6400
  • Elastic as well as water and tear-resistant
  • Suitable for all type of conventional PE blown film plants
  • Giving excellent flexibility and toughness
  • Printable and weld able
  • Suitable for food contact
  • High melt strength and stable up to 130 degrees.
  • Biodegradation is a chemical process in which materials are metabolised to CO2, water, and biomass with the help of microorganisms.
  • The process of biodegradation depends on the conditions (e.g. location, temperature, humidity, presence of microorganisms, etc.) of the specific environment (industrial composting plant, garden compost, soil, water, etc.) and on the material or application itself. Consequently, the process and its outcome can vary considerably.

Startup and Shutdown:

Purge the system with a polyolefin or a purging compound at its recommended temperature settings. Reset the temperature settings to the recommended temperature profile. Purge with the resin until stable processing is obtained free of contaminants. Reset the temperature settings to the recommended purging compound temperature profile. Purge with a polyolefin or a purging compound for 5 times the average residence time. After completion of the run, must be removed from the whole system. can degrade into lactic acid causing corrosion of the equipment.

Extruder Temperatures:

Feed zone:    20-40 °C
Melt zone:    100-110 °C
Mixing & conveying:     110-120 °C
Die head temperature:     1200-130 °C
Typical settings may require optimization

Pre Drying:

Bio must be consumed after removal from the packaging within 4-6 hours at 85°C. Drying of standard resin can be performed in a desiccant hot air dryer, with a dewpoint of – 40°C or less. It is recommended to reduce the moisture content before melt processing to a level less than 250ppm and preferably less than 100 ppm, measured by e.g. KarlFischer or Brabender aquatrac method. Predrying is in particular important prior to injection molding, film and sheet production. Moisture causes hydrolysis of the bio polymer during melt processing, resulting in reduced mechanical performance in the final part.


It is a ready to use and since every application is unique it is recommended for the users to determine the applicable usage rate based on their requirements.


Recommendation: Do not allow product to reach sewage system. Disposal of product or waste must comply with official local regulations. Packaging that cannot be recycled must be disposed in the same manner as the product.

Safety Information:

  • Keep Out Of Reach Of Children
  • Keep Container Tightly Closed
  • Not For Internal Consumption
  • Consult Material Safety Data Sheet For More Information


This Datasheet and the information it contains is considered to be accurate at the date of printing. No representation or warranty, expressed or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this publication. It is the User’s obligation to evaluate and use products safely and within the scope advised in the datasheet and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Limited Warranty:

All statements, technical information and recommendations contained herein are based on validations and tests conducted or its partners and are believed to be reliable, but the accuracy or completeness thereof is not guaranteed. We warrant our products will be free from defects.

Product Description:

Starch blends and others, account for over 55.5 percent (over 1 millions tonnes) of the global bioplastics production capacities. when shipped to customer. Our obligation under this warranty shall be limited to replacement of product that proves to be defective. To obtain replacement product under this warranty, the customer must notify or its partners or agent of the claimed defect within 1 month after shipment of product to customer. Customer shall pay all freight charges for replacement products. We shall have no liability for any injury, loss or damage arising out of the use of or the inability to use the products. And any financial claims shall be limited to the value of the film sold. Before using, user shall determine the suitability of the product for its intended use, and user assumes all risk and liability whatsoever in connection therewith. No representation or recommendation not contained herein shall
have any force or effect unless in a written document signed by an officer of the company. The foregoing warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties, express, implied or statutory, including without limitation any implied warranty of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose.

Global Support:

Algeria Angola Argentina Australia Austria Bangladesh Belarus Belgium Bhutan Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia Czech Republic Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Ecuador Estonia Finland France Gabon Germany Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Italy Japan Kazakhstan Korea Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malaysia Mexico Monaco Morocco Nepal Netherlands Nigeria Norway Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Republic of Congo Romania Russia Singapore Slovak Republic Slovenia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Tunisia Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates and MENA (Middle East & North Africa) United Kingdom United States Uruguay Vietnam.


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